Tuesday 27 March 2012



DISCLAIMER:  Niki Ashton does not know anything about this message. I have no personal connection with her or her campaign.  I send this strictly as a Canadian.

I, and everyone I know, no matter what their political affiliation,   are immensely impressed with Niki Ashton, yet neither I nor any of my NDP friends voted for her.  The main reason for that was that, at 29 years old, she is too young to be the leader of the opposition.  As a result, our money went to our candidates of choice. However, I am now sending her a donation to help defray the financial burden of running this election.  Here is the speech she gave at the convention.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BIqpBq2aVHo
Niki’s candidacy is critically important to Canadian democracy.  If you are concerned about the lack of youth involvement in politics; if you are concerned with the lack of women in the House of Commons; if you believe that politics is not only for the rich and powerful, then please join me in helping Niki Ashton
I am not asking you to support the NDP.  I am asking you to underwrite Canadian Democracy.

Any amount whether $1 or $10 or $100 or more, reduces the debt that this young women is carrying. 
Please go to https://secure.ndp.ca/leadership/index.php?candidate=LDR12_ASHTONN&language=e  OR  send a cheque made out to “Canada’s NDP” with “Niki Ashton Campaign” on the memo line and mail it to 283 Toronto Street North, Regina, SK, S4R 2T5

Tax receipts will be sent.

Thank you

Elka Enola
Oakville, Ontario

Sunday 25 March 2012

NDP Leadership Convention

Went to the NDP Leadership Convention from Friday Morning to Sunday morning. With over 4,000 delegates, it was more than double the size of the last leadership election that elected Layton.

First heard of Nathan Cullen when I watched the initial NDP Leadership debate and was blown away by his charisma, his humour, his ease, his dedication, his commitment and his fresh new ideas.  Here was  man for our time.

The media with their heads stuck in the past talked only to NDPers who, like them, could only see the past.  These were the same people who did not see the orange crush until it almost tsunamied them.

That media often didn't mention Nathan and when they did it was as 'a dark horse'.  But he was no dark horse.  He is the shining light at the end of the tunnel.  He is the way to the future.

The last two Members of Parliament left standing were Nathan Cullen and Thomas Mulcair.  Two of the last three on the ballot  were futurists.  It would have been a total disaster if Brian Topp would have won.  Someone with no TV personality (essential to win national election), no seat in the commons and who never ran for any public office...
What is really significant is that Nathan had a shoe string budget but people just kept donating. People believe in him. People trust him.

Mulcair, Topp, Nash and Dewar have their electoral campaign crew close to Toronto.  Nathan's crew is in Northern BC.   What the others spend to bring in 20 workers, Nathan could only bring in 1.  That makes his showing even more remarkable.

There were some delegates who were fanatically following an individual and who would not even consider any one else.  But the vast majority of people were extremely thoughtful and worried about each choice.  We knew this was an important decision.

Mulcair was my second choice, and in retrospect, perhaps it is better for the NDP that he came first.

It was unfortunate that the computer system got hacked.  But this should be a lesson for all future elections.  The idea of one person one vote is true democracy and we have to cooperate to develop an electronic voting system that all Canadians can use with confidence.

The NDP gave out free T shirts that said "I am the Layton Legacy" on the front and "Je suis la relève de Jack"on the back.  Everything took longer than expected and amenities were few and far between.  It was very hot even with the air conditioning.  There should have been water freely distributed.  Another lesson learned.  

But like the Liberals, there is a disconnect between the establishment and the grass roots.  Change is always challenging but exciting. 

The calibre of candidates was truly impressive. This is one hell of a political party.

Watch out Harper.  Here we come.