Wednesday 1 February 2012

Security, Guns, Gender, Tax

From Today's Toronto Star

"they can use cheap technology to read credit cards through people's pants"

I am having difficulty dealing with the vast array of technologies that put my financial security and my general privacy in peril. 

I think we are heading back to the days of lead shielded bags for our film when going through airport security.  Except now we have to shield everything.

"he went out to his pickup truck, got his semi automatic and shot (his son) multiple times"

What struck me in this murder, was the casualness of the gun... not just any kind of gun, but a semi automatic, that was just resting in his pickup truck. 

I remember stopping in a coffee shop in Dallas and striking up a conversation with a taxi driver who told me that he and his sons always take a gun when going across the street the convenience store because, "You never know."

Gender on passport etc must match hair style and clothes

This airport requirement is utterly unbelievable.  A man in a kilt would be stopped?  A woman with a striaght bob would be stopped?  And what about the many genders that are not offered as choices?

What's next?  Sending me to the men's room when I wear trousers?

Let's get rid of the whole gender farce and use real identifiers like fingerprints or iris ID.  Lifestyle should have nothing to do with this.

"Ponzi scheme proceeds not taxable, court rules"
because income is "not from a source".

Not only is it not from the sweat of a brow, but it is illegal.  And now it is free.

The people whose money was stolen, did however, pay tax

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