Monday 30 January 2012

Thoughts as I go through the Toronto Star

The significance of this trial is the reaffirmation of the supremacy of Canadian Law which reflects Canadian values over all else.

I suppose everyone has been horrified by these murders.  Nothing honourable about it.  But it is an indication of how our society, by that I mean the suits that run it, sweep everything that supports male dominance under the dual carpets of culture and religion.

It reminds me of the attempt to get Sharia Law into Ontario. At the meeting with the provincial government, where I presented the first brief objecting to Sharia, the suits made it clear that all the religions (i.e. men who represented the religions) had no objection since that was simply the expression of religion and culture.... and Canada has multiculturalism and freedom of religion.

The difference between the application of Sharia as was originally presented and this murder is only one of degree.

There is a different death for the young girls who are removed from Canadian schools and sent to places like Pakistan to marry much older men.  There is a different death for the wonderful young girls with active minds and bodies who are married off right here and continue attending school but who suddenly become very docile and physically and intellectually inactive.

We have to start standing up for girls and women of all ages and all cultural / religious backgrounds.

As long as the NDP and Liberals do not do something cooperatively, we will be doomed to Harperite majority governments.

Nathan Cullen has it right.  A disorganised Left cannot defeat a unified Right.

Step 1:  Get rid of Harper
Step 2: Liberals and NDP work things out between themselves.
Step 3: Proportional seat allocation becomes law
Results: A government that reflects the real desires of Canadians, no matter where they live. Elections where everyone's vote counts

You know it's women's soccer because there is no rolling around in fake pain.

Canada's women's soccer team is going to the London Olympics.  The only game they lost was to the first ranked USA.

Of the 136 women's teams ranked by FIFA, Canadian women rank 9th. Canadian men rank 74th.

Yet the men get significant financial remuneration and they women get barely anything. 
It's time we the people and the government made a significant difference in our support and recognition of women's soccer.

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