Friday 5 August 2011

Provincial Election, here we go again

It's been a long time since I've had an NDP sign on my lawn.  Not since Harris and Harper.

The Liberal provincial candidate for Halton is an excellent choice.  Would love to support her.  But I think  I will vote NDP even though I don't know who the candidate is. 

Hudak is bloody frightening.  Why can't the Consevatives, provincially and federally, get normal humane leaders.  Why are they all greedy, anti female, anti science men who blame poverty on the poor.

It's a strange analysis that concludes that if there were no poor people, there would be no poverty.  Poverty is caused by lazy poor people, they claim.

Somehow, they do not see poverty and repeated world economic melt downs being related to greed.  Especially the greed of the super rich who control the media that feed us our daily dose of garbage.

In this area of Oakville, the NDP don't have much chance, but this part of Oakville is part of the greater Halton riding, where there is much more diversity and hence some hope.

So on Aug 5 at 2:35 pm, my plan is to vote NDP.    Time will tell.

Thursday 28 July 2011

My first blog: faucets

Welcome to Chez Elka, my very first blog.

Been pushed here by the paucity of expression possible on Twitter.

Was hoping for a relaxing summer but instead am still catching up with stuff... paper stuff and other stuff.

Spent yesterday morning and afternoon with a plumber.  Had our old defunct instant hot replaced with a filtered -cold- and -instant -hot -system.  Then had our defunct main faucet replaced.

All very snazzy, but now the shiny chrome soap dispenser clashed with the elegant brushed nickle finishes on the the other faucets.  I swear that whenever I went into the kitchen the shiny tiny chrome dispenser fairly shouted.

So something had to be done.

The main problem was that a soap dispenser that matched the main faucet was a mere $140 so that's why the gaudy shiney chrome one sat there.

Off we went to Home Depot where we had the choice of one dispenser in the appropriat finish for under $35.  Sold!  Brought it home and installed it my self... really no big deal.

I cannot procrastinate much longer.  Am going to soak in the tub but tomorrow, I promise to catch up with the paper work.